2548 Jeanine Drive Victoria BC





We Care About Our Customers

2nd To None Drywall Services has been installing drywall around Canada for over 50 years. Each day thousands of homeowners enjoy the comfort and beauty of interior walls that our team has installed. We offer a two-year warranty…virtually unheard of in our business.

Our Warranty

2nd To None Drywall Services guarantees each job for a period of two years from settlement date against pops and cracks due to settlement movement and shrinkage. Within the two-year period, 2nd To None Drywall Services will return to the jobsite one time to repair the above items. It is recommended that the building go through a minimum of one full year before doing any repairs. 2nd To None Drywall Services is not responsible for painting areas repaired.
2nd To None Drywall Services does not guarantee areas damaged by roof leaks, plumbing leaks, homeowner damage or similar damage beyond its control.

Drywall Characteristics

We take every effort to provide you with the finest wall and ceiling finish possible. However, there are certain characteristics of drywall of which you would be aware that may cause conditions beyond the control of our workmen. These conditions are in no way due to faulty workmanship or materials.

  1. Drywall is not perfect or flawless. The finish is as flawless as hand finishing will permit.
  2. Certain environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and moisture can present problems in gypsum construction.
  3. Drywall is subject to fastener failure and surface distortion due to warping or shrinkage of framing lumber.

2nd To None Drywall Services reserves the right to make final judgment as to the nature, cause and method of repairs and if they are covered by the warranty.

If you are in need warranty repair, please feel free to contact us at 204-291-4240 or info@2ndtononedrywallservices.ca


2nd to None Drywall Services

2548 Jeanine Drive Victoria BC V9B4X9
Tel. : 778-430-0936
Email :info@2ndtononedrywallservices.ca

Social INfo

HOURS OF OPERATION Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Sat: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sun: Closed

AREAS OF SERVICE Vancouver Island
